Dear all, I hope this email finds you well. We are excited for our session tomorrow "Governance Gaps in addressing online harms: NIS2 and Beyond", and you can access the description here <> . This will be an inclusive roundtable discussion focused on examining how to address governance gaps in multistakeholder responses to online harms. The session is scheduled for tomorrow ( *Wednesday December 18 from 13:45 to 15:15 local time) in workshop room 9 for those attending in person.* We had a very successful session at IGF 2023 where we discussed the question of governance gaps in addressing online harms. We encourage everyone to review our 2023 report here <> and to join this session to help us further advance the conversation. Starting in 2025, and as discussions unfold in preparation for the WSIS+20, our hope is to expand this group and begin coordinating quarterly catch up calls. More on that to come in the new year. Warm regards, -- Georgia Osborn Senior Research Analyst | Academic Outreach and Partnerships Lead *Oxford Information Lab**s **| DNS Research Federation* 1st Floor, Peterley House, Peterley Rd, Oxford OX4 2TZ | T: 01865 582885 E: | M: +44 7375664934